
happy weekend!

Hope you find some time to explore 


laura makabresku

I just stumbled upon artist Laura Makabresku's insane photographs.  While I don't know much about her, I feel as though I do through her photos — it is evident (via her lens and in my humble opinion) that she is a story teller, an observer, and fearless in exploring the more obscure sides of humanity.  Both chilling and graceful, her photographs are spilling with honesty.  I am particularly drawn to the 2nd image, FAIRY TALE ABOUT A GIRL WHO FOUND A DEAD ANIMAL IN THE FORST AND SHARED IT WITH HER WARMTH, because it's so scary and primal and beautiful.  While our connections with animals are undeniable (though varied in significance), something about witnessing either the birth of the death of an animal strikes a chord with me, and connects us all (shall I get extra sappy and reference the "the circle of life?" yeah, I did).  I don't see the day when I'll be cuddling a fox, but how amazing that this unity is captured?  Anyway, on to the pictures of the living-- how beautiful, right?  Have you ever seen such killer red hair!

You can buy some of her prints here, and check out more of her work here.

thank you, missoni. thank you!

I am so pleased/thrilled/abnormally excited to share the wonderful news that Missoni is collaborating with Target on a line that will be available come mid September.  Dying, are you?? (I know, me too!).  400 pieces. Clothing. Furniture. Accessories. BEDDING (this I am most excited about, as I've dreamed of the day I would have a salary lucrative enough that would allow me to to buy myself some Missoni sheets. But looks like Tar-gae beat me to it, and I am not complaining).  I highly doubt Margharita Missoni (granddaughter of the Italian powerhouse) will disappoint.  Vogue's August issue invited us into Margherita's home, and the article alluded to pieces that may or may not be part of the Target line (what a tease).  So in the meantime, share in this joy with me, will you?

p.s. - so far we know the rugs, the sofa pillows and the throw on the green chair are Target.  And that bike, yeah, it's Target too! 

{photos: Pascal Chevallier, via If the Lamp Shade Fits}


on the docket

Hello, lovely people.  Just checked out with these two books at Amazon.  I've really been feeling the need for a reread of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (I don't think I've read it since sophomore year in high school? Yikes) - and a dear friend shared Where Will You be Five Years from Today? after her ever-thoughtful mom gifted it to another mutual friend for her graduation (eye, have I lost ya here?).  I've decided I need a plan vision for myself and for my life for the next few years (5 sounds good, right?) — most often, I am comfortable with and have faith in trusting the universe, but also want to write down and remember what drives me now, ideas about how I can persue my passion(s), and subsequently hoping to get a good kick in the butt to discover and move forward with what I truly want to do.  We simply can't have all of the answers now, but it doesn't hurt to grab life by the horns a little bit every now and then (note: this is for better and for worse such a me perspective — I know and admire the host of other driven individuals who are always making shit happen for them — I whole heartedly admire this, but am more prone to finding a balance somewhere between fate and personal responsibility). Circling back — THESE are the reasons why a book like this appeals so much to me.  As for The Bell Jar: it's exactly what I need when I want to connect with myself and humanity again in a way that is as easy as turning a page.  

"I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery— air, mountains, trees, people.  I thought, 'This is what it is like to be happy.'" - Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar



part of this world

We can never and shall never tire of our serendipitous place in this universe.  It's pretty freaking amazing....

 (and are you as enthralled by this artist's interpretation as much as I am yet?  I haven't been able to track him/her down yet, but the image is via. In LOVE).


happy weekend ♥

enjoy the ride


just sayin'

So, the J.Crew Panama Hat (my FA-HAVORITE) is on sale today for $29.00 — and oh yeah, an additional %40 OFF — it gets better — free shipping — for a grand total of $17.40 (& taxes).  

Unfortunately there are only small/mediums available (I have an oddly large head), so PLEASE, someone hop on this deal before it passes.  C'mon, make me proud.....


Much to my surprise, my calling cards arrived today! I love love love love LOVE them (and the sturdy little black box they came in with "mine" and "theirs" tabs  — and am uber impressed with MOO printing company (you guys really know how to shut it down).  Apologies for the crappy iPhone snaps, but you can still fill the love, right?


thanks, dad.

Text from the other main man in my life – my Dad.  I've been home in connecticut the past few weekends, so I'd like to think this is separation anxiety  


surviving 98 degree temps: a how-to.

It is predicted that temperatures will reach 98* tomorrow (oi vey), with a heat index of 110* (again, oi VEY!). Besides the obvious and most important rule of thumb — STAYING HYDRATED— here are some non-scientificly proven methods that make this steamy weather enjoyable (or as close to enjoyable as you'll get, right New Yorkers?)

(1) a vintage bronze fan, because it looks a thousand times better than the regular plasticy ones.
(2) if you're lucky enough to get to one, I've always felt that a pool &/or the ocean is the best medicine.  Or, if you must spend the next few days in the concrete jungle, see if you can find a water fountain in an office plaza to dip your hands in while you drink your coffee (morning ICED coffee - it's suppose to be 90* by 10 am).
(3) as a proponent of the "small things," a fresh, sunny shade of nail polish is destined to make you smile (and lets face it, orange is mostly only acceptable in summer….so rock it while you can….and j'adore it with gold/gold-tone accessories).
(4) chic messy updos and the less-is-more theory when it comes to any materials you chose to put on your body is how I like to relish in these sweet summer days -- but what I NEED to get through them when an actual heat advisory has already been declared for the tri-state area.  This uniform takes "casual summer fridays" to a whole new level (sorry, corporate world).


please never forget.



For the girl (or boy!) who can't commit…..

Join the party, won't you? And did I mention, it's only a $5 cover (ah hmm, price)?  I can't wait to see what Tattly comes up with next!

ps. they last about 5 days (give or take a day)
pps. yes, that's right, I am THAT girl that can't commit (je suis tat-free)

{via A Cup of Jo}


happy weekend!

Hope it's everything you need it to be!                                                                                  xo kate




I can't get enough of floral + flower everything: boats full of 'em, girls who can rock them, interiors that are draped in them and floral plates that have you at hello. Thank you, sweet summer!

call me.

So guys, I finally did it — I've made myself some business/calling cards!  Well actually Moo is making them but I finally decided on a style(s) and went with it.  I'm already anticipating their Wednesday July 25th arrival — if not just for me and my own little world  (but don't get it wrong, I'd love to pass 'em around) it feels good to feel good about something I've done and have enjoyed doing over the past 7 months (hm hmm, House of Happy that is).  Some strand of tangible creativity to cling on to at a time where I'm not positive what direction I want to take my career — figuratively and geographically.  It's been real.  And even if it's just my lovely friends and family that bump up my visitor stats, well, thank you for tuning in (it's YOU guys who I want wait to share my cards with….as if you're not all already in my phone book).  To the new friends I've made — so glad to meet you!  

Amazingly, I've made paper squares become sentimental (curse or blessing?) -- so to get back to business, what do you guys think?

Subsequent Thoughts…..
(1) I wish I could take credit for these sweet designs but they're actually vintage wallcovering and vintage textile designs.
(2) Should I be worried I just exposed my cellphone number on the web?


quiet time

"We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly." - susan taylor

this is one of things that I know to be true.

2 things

of beauty.

{image one: pinterest via , two: pinterest via}

crazy cool affordable art

Wahoo! At just 4 by 6 inches, I've found the perfect postcards to put in my new (blonde wood) wall frames.  They're like a little piece of the very cool John Derian right in my own home (at a much much smaller price….hello, $1.50/each!).  And they're just masculine enough to counteract & compliment some of the more bright and airy pieces I have hanging out on my walls now.  I think I am set on these 4 but I am already envisioning the melodramatic debate I'll have with myself once I see them all in person at the store


happy weekend!

hope you find time to do what you love.                                                                                                          Aqua by Martine Emdur



COCOA&HEARTS win mine ♥

 This makes me infinitely happy.



Dezso by Sara Beltran.

Well isn't this the chicest funkiest beachiest jewelry ya ever did see?

So this is my life.  And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be. 
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower 

the crème de la crème

As the sweet hours of summer progress, each day seems to be hotter than the last.  I la-la-love this about summer and want to roll with this splendid season, not against it (translated: I have abandoned the better part of my wardrobe -- as it is full of black -- and just can't get enough of cream EVERYTHING).  And the best thing about cream (and other various shades of beige, nude and white....) is that there is no such thing as too much.  Tone on tone, a simple airy dress, a white flowy top with nude tailored capris (think Jackie O. in the 70's in Greece).....or, if you must cloak your body with another color (lets be honest, it's not like we can buy a WHOLE new wardrobe), your look and energy will be rejuvenated by switching out your black flats for a paid of these nude ones.  All of this just screams fresh, clean, chic and smart (because who wants to feel uncomfortable in sizzling temperatures?)...it's everything I want in a color (and man for that matter).  It's become my new summer wardrobe (a touch or head-to-toe), and I am not turning back! Want to join the party?

{Top cw: Linda Farrow Luxe sunnies; Pom Pom Blanket by Muskelil (that makes my heart go pitter-patter); nice (cream) bike + nicer legs photo; J.Crew Ballet Flats; photo of chic woman clad in cream -- Bottom: earrings ASOS; dress ASOS; sunnies ASOS; clutch ASOS; flats Payless}


i just can't get enough....

 O     (S)
I want to live my life in a world of these shades of blue.  Until then, I will surround myself in them as much as possible (I am feeling comin' for a change in paint color for my boudoir)! I can hear the ocean calling......

{all images borrowed from Aged & Gilded}
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