

This morning, I was beginning to read Nora Ephron's last book, I Remember Nothing, for the second time (I just finished this book - amazing, and am waiting on this book, of which I'm slightly skeptical but interested nonetheless), and I came upon Nora's lists of "what I won't miss" and "what I will miss."  I've been meaning to post this all summer.  But rereading her lists made me fall in love with her all over again.

I read this book while I was on vacation in Vieques this past July.  One evening, Brian was taking a nap after a rum-runner or two, and I decided it would be nice to go sit by the ocean with a glass of champagne in one hand and my notebook in the other.  Making my own "what I will and what I won't miss" lists was magically cathartic and more eye-opening than I imagined.  It already sticks out as one of those moments I will never forget.  

What I Won't Miss

Dry skin
Bad dinners like the one we went to last night
Technology in general
My closet
Washing my hair
Illness everywhere
Polls that show that 32 percent of the American people believe in creationism
Fox TV
The collapse of the dollar
Joe Lieberman
Clarence Thomas
Bar mitzvahs
Dead flowers
The sound of the vacuum cleaner
E-mail. I know I already said it, but I want to emphasize it.
Small print
Panels on Women in Film
Taking off makeup every night

What I Will Miss

My kids
The concept of waffles
A walk in the park
The idea of a walk in the park
The park
Shakespeare in the Park
The bed
Reading in bed
The view out the window
Twinkle lights
Dinner at home just the two of us
Dinner with friends
Dinner with friends in cities where none of us lives
Next year in Istanbul
Pride and Prejudice
The Christmas tree
Thanksgiving dinner
One for the table
The dogwood
Taking a bath
Coming over the bridge to Manhattan

. . . 

Wish I could have known you, Nora, even though I feel like I already do (I know I'm not alone here :). If you're feeling inspired, I'd encourage you all to do it, too. xx.

p.s. Lena Dunham remembers her friend in an extremely thoughtful tribute.  

p.p.s. OF COURSE Lena and Nora were close! Lets just talk about how perfect that is!

Photograph by Linda Nylind/Eyevine


following your he(art)

It wasn't until lately, when after moving into an apartment that I plan to stay in for more than 6 months (oh, NEW YORK!), that I realized how challenging it is to select art for your personal space.  I studied art in college and generally know what I like, even though I like looking at it all.  But when it comes to actually clicking "BUY" on sites like Art.Com (which, by the way, has had a total makeover and is offering 15% off your whole purchase until tomorrow!) and 20X200, websites among those in the affordable art realm, I get so nervous.  Of course I get way into the whole "but what does this say about ME" idea, and what happens in three months when I'm tired of looking at Marilyn Monroe's face or that abstract flower/skyscraper?  I know that with making bold choices, in life and in design, there are mistakes and risks and "what was I thinking"-ings, and that is something I'm okay with.  But with art, it feels much more….definitive (especially when you're dropping lots of $$).  So until I am able to collect Hockneys (every girls dream!), an artist whose aesthetic and timelessness put me at ease, I will always be a little hesitant before biting the bullet.  Yes, even with art prints.  And lets not forget having options paraylsis (a term my co-worker coined – clever, right?): when there is SO many beautiful images out there, how do you decide on just one?  (Or five…that's all my cute little Brooklyn apartment can take.)  Do you guys ever feel intimated buying art/art prints?  Or do you follow your initial instinct about a piece and just go with it? I'm interested to hear!

These are some prints on my radar, and well, naturally, I love them ALL. 

(Clearly, I'm having an "icon" moment.)

All Art.Com

And some originals by Matthew Korbel-Bowers. I love his palette.  




(the) PILLOW (that made me) TALK

Hi dolls!

After such an embarrassingly long gap between posts, I felt compelled to share something thoughtful and wanted to provide some sort of explanation for why I haven't been hanging around the blogosphere in a couple of months.  But the truth is that while there has been many a deep and thoughtful (and wonderful!) happenings lately in my life, this ridiculous self-imposed obligation to offer up an explanation for why I haven't been around has only kept me further away.  Silly, I know.

For better and for worse, I'll be the first to admit that an emotionally-driven, intense person who probably needs to chill the eff out every once and a while.  So instead of worrying any longer about my segway back to House of Happy, I've decided to share with you something really simple and completely unintense that brought a huge smile to my face (and yeah, I have been thinking about it for aprox. 6 hours since it first met my eyes this morning).  Black and white and geometric and mustard-yellow and velvet.....ugh.  Its got IT ALL.  And not to mention it will go so well with my new black and white striped rug, soon-to-be-ordered vintagey-yellow velvet x-bench, and my grandmother's afghan throw (more on this later).  It's like a sugar HIGH.

So there ya have it: a pillow.  My apologies it lacks depth or sentiment, but hey, it has brought me back! Game on. 

I've missed you guys and hope that everyone is well 


to each, our own

Hello everyone.  Happy Happy Happy Spring!  I can only sum up my absence in these few simple words….

So yeah, believe it or not, I've been at a loss for words, at a loss for answers, and to be frank, I feel like I've been losing my direction.  I know that half of it is suppose to be about the ride - so agreed - but how about when seemingly nothing(!!) is in place?  When I don't have the answer for the cloud of lingering question marks, and when my motivation has hit the fan.  I am a huge believer in "going with, not against," and trusting the process.....90% of the time.  The other ten is spent feeling like just another number - and succumbing to the fear that I won't succeed, that I won't find my niche, and that consequently, I won't live the life I've dreamed of, with the passion I know is alive deep inside of me.  I guess what I'm saying is that while I am the solution, it scares me that I'm also the problem.  And I can also only assume that this is a grave concern and fear amongst us all.  

....and so, while this cheeky art installation invariably brings a smile to my face, I cannot tell you how much stumbling upon this quote today has meant to me....

“life is not easy for any of us. but what of that? we must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. we must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” – Marie Curie

Without sounding too dramatic (psssh, right!), it was kinda like a life saver (or at least a Tuesday morning attitude saver).  And I plan to carry these words with me all day long, and keep believing.  
And add some more blogging on my to-do list, too. 

(art via, photo via)



My home is….

Where you'd (definitely) find something like this - artfully hung on the wall by my mom….

Where there is lots of love…

 (and lions, duh.) Where my beautiful sister lays her head at night….

Where my heart is…

…and after quite some time, where I'm going tonight.

What's home to you? Have a WONDERFUL weekend guys :)

(all images, pinterest)


day maker, valentine's edition

Happy Valentines Day
(and you're welcome)

Your new favorite golden doodle, Gracie

*No, she's not mine. But if "technically your uncles' dog but you love her more than any other living and breathing animal" doesn't at least make me like a second mother, then I don't know what does.....

love stories

.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 Focusing on couples from Brooklyn who have spent over five decades together, Brooklyn-based artist Lauren Fleishman started this project after her grandfather's passing— and upon finding a collection of love letters her grandfather had written to her grandmother.  Ms. Fleishman's raw talent and thoughtful observations has warmed my already full heart on this lovely Valentines Day.

You can find the rest of the series here on Lauren's website.


Paris v. New York

I love this clever idea from graphic designer Vahram Muratyan. The Godard v. Woody gets me every time.  I'd love to frame this one, or maybe this one.

Which do you prefer?

(P.S. While I'm a New Yorker, I'm finding I'd chose Paris for all of the above...with the exception of Woody :)

Via A Cup of Jo


knuckle rings

Welcome to my new go-to accessory: the knuckle ring.  I can't get enough of them, and find myself gazing at my hand during the day when I think no one is watching (secret's out)!  As per my complete guidance, my boyfriend gifted me the yellow gold First Knuckle Ring from Catbird (my new go-to store) for my birthday, and I treated myself to the Threadbare Ring (worn on my middle finger, as evident in the super professional photo of my hand below).  I'm thinking about adding another Threadbare to wear on top of my first one, or maybe adding this chained beauty from BRVTVS and wearing it as a knuckle ring on my middle finger.  THE OPTIONS! I hope it's not just me, but I think the delicate knuckle ring look is completely fresh and statement-making, in a smart and chic kind of way.  Thoughts?  Would you guys ever wear a knuckle ring?  By the way, you think it would fall off but it stays secure (just be mindful of it when you're washing your hands). All kinds of magic! And hey, upcoming birthdays- sign up for their newsletter to receive something sweet on your day 

(top photo: Catbird, bottom photos: Catbird, me)


full of blessings

So guys, today is the day.  At 10:30-something, I entered my 25th year! So far, so good. And as my best friend Eugenie reminded me, "Remember what I told you ... For an upstate New York deli worker named Sandy, 25 was the best time of her life."  Thanks, Sandy.  But really, I am feeling good about this quarter of a century mark, largely because of the glorious blessings I carry with me, always, but especially today after someone very special to me pulled through a major surgery like an absolute champion.  Today my Grandfather is my biggest blessing, my most special gift.  This 25 year old is thanking her lucky stars.  I'm also looking forward to sharing more with you after the sunny day has run it's course.  For now, just putting some good vibes out into the world wide web, and am hoping you'll do the same for my Grandfather. 

Continue to count your blessings, friends.   

(top image via / bottom: my grandfather and I)


cin cin !

Wow, wowwowowowowwow, where to begin? I'll start with Happy New Year, and that I hope you all had a wonderful, cozy holiday! I've really missed you all, and have missed doing this.

I can't believe it's been SO long.

I am without a single concrete reason for my absence the past two months; except for that there has just been so much going on that's been pulling my time and heart away from the computer.  I've also been at a standstill with some facets of my life, which can make me feel momentarily helpless until I am able to pull things back into perspective.  I'm sure you guys know what this feels like, and similarly, how good it feels to snap back.   Taking control more often in a control-less world is something I'd like to work on for the new year.  Even if it's just a blog post, whatever sparks that fire, that is what I'd like to do more of.  It's the cheapest, most effective therapy, don’t you think?

For 2012, I would also like to keep it simple, and go actually follow through with the following*…

(1) Floss more often and stretch more often
(2) Be a better listener
(3) Do as my brave friend Brooke just did and save up money to go somewhere I REALLY want to go.  While I have a couple of places in mind (more on this later), Brooke jetted off to India.  This one is actually a twofur, as it dares to accomplish both a solo trip AND the phenomena of saving (yes, this is a phenomena to me).
(4) Be conscious of Desiderata on a daily basis….

Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.  - Max Ehrmann

What is everyone else looking forward to in 2012?? I'd REALLY love to hear! Cheers to a new year full of love, growth, peace, adventure, mistakes, wisdom, happiness and inspiration (pfew!), and as always, thank you for sticking by me and my blog for over a year now! xo.

* You can be sure there is some sort of getting into shape intention somewhere in there, too.  Oh yeah, there totally is.
{image via}
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