
more more and more missoni (for target) !!!

I am shamelessly counting down the days (ah hem, 13) until Missoni for Target hits stores, and my bedroom takes a turn for the better (the quilt shown here has been factored into my mid-September budget).  It's like Christmas.

(via all the way up here.)

be nice

I am still smiling :)

(via Black Eiffel)


Fifi du Vie

I really, really, really love these three prints by Fifi du Vie (do you remember this one that I mentioned back in February? It's by them, too).  Paris is Paradise hooked me in, but I don't know, I love them all! Which one would you all go for?  Or all three?  Check out all of her beautiful prints here.


a jack kinda day

I Among the FULL day (cumulatively, it was 24 hours) that I spent on the road this past week, yesterday's trek from Cape Cod to Connecticut was particularly charming and much needed.  One, it was spent with my sister, and two, we listened to every Jack Johnson album there is.  

Listening to his music is like rereading an old special book.  You've got to do it every once and a while to remember how much it moves you. What a story teller, right?  And who else can take the most complex subjects and thoughts and put them into peaceful, rhythmical waves of words that make complete sense?  If ya ask me, no one does it exactly like Jack.

I think I'm going to go listen some more tonight….it seems like one of those days.


Never knowing / Shocking but we're nothing / We're just moments / We're clever but we're clueless / We're just human / Amusing but confusing / But the truth is / All we got is questions / We'll never know 

coming back.

Hello, hello friends!  I've just returned from a wonderful whirlwind of vacation, which I can't wait to share more of once my mind catches up with me (which I wish it was doing while napping&relaxing in the photo above).  But basically, it went something like this….

NYC ---> lots of pit stops ---> Brantingham, NY ---> a rare and amazing weekend away with most of my closest loves ---> driving…. ---> ….still driving ---> Home Sweet Home (family, friends, and everything nice) ---> Back on the road with my sister ---> Provincetown ---> fell in love with Provincetown and the market my uncles recently opened ---> return to Connecticut ---> bittersweet hugs ---> planes, trains and automobiles ---> arrive at front door of my apartment

See! I told you it was a whirlwind.  But I wouldn't have changed a thing. Especially because my sister and I came home to this....

Be back soon! Hope you're all happy and healthy and are survivin' this Monday morning!

{photo one via, photo of my mom and dad via me}



I meant to post about this back in July….

and it's still just as funny as it was a month ago. Read about this photographic, self-portrait takin' monkey here


in an (upstate) new york state of mind

In uber anticipation of  a wonderful weekend that is about to unfold with a group of my greatest friends, putting together an inspiration board of some of my favorite things (besides my family + friends) about being upstate New York at family's cabin seemed like the only enjoyable way to get through the day right before a vacation (that's always the toughest day, right?). "Camp"/Brantingham, NY/The Lake — we'll be seein' you soon. 

p.s. Ya dig my new Dolce Vita sandals (because every weekend away requires something new?).
p.p.s. Our house upstate New York (originally bought by my grandmother's parents, The Lukes, and since loved/enjoyed every year by each generation to follow) has a similar sign nailed on a tree in front of the house. This pinterest find made me smile :)

(clockwise, 1/2/3/4/5/6, the delicious s'more in the center, bottom via)


date with dexter and dad

And next in my very own Shit my Dad Says series…..
(thank you for always making me laugh



Is there ever a time y'all don't want to be here?

ME NEITHER. #daydreaming.

on marriage, closeness and being open.

Hello, lovelies. Feeling a little emotional (dangerous combination when having too much time on my hands at work), I turned to one of my daily reads, A Cup of Jo, which linked me to something which linked me to something else that got me to this story.  My heart is breaking with sadness and ridiculous amounts of love.

In writing about receiving a teacup from her grandmother as a wedding gift (a family tradition), Stacy from la boudoir recalls how a conversation right after her grandfather's passing became an omen that perhaps marriage was for her, too.

"You see, my grandfather died in January and until then I didn’t want to get married. But I spent a week with my grandmother, just the two of use alone, right after he passed. And we had a conversation in the car about how, even after he was paralyzed (long story to go with this), and even after they couldn’t “do it” any more, he still sometimes would ask her to take her night gown off and lay next to him. Because he still loved the way she felt."


Marriage has been on my mind a lot lately — not necessarily because I'm thinking about taking this step anytime soon, but because perhaps, I'm not thinking about taking this step anytime soon.  For me, it has less to do with my kind, loving boyfriend, but more to do with where I am in my life.  My co-workers and I were tossing around the marriage topic yesterday, and I found myself admitting that I have a very Sex in the City-mentality when it comes to dating, relationships and marriage (read: wildly independent 30-somethin' women).  It's so funny — I didn't think that would have been my 10-cents in the conversation.  Do I really want to be 37 and single (sorry, Carrie)?  But I think that this newly realized and orated opinion of mine stems more from one of the messages of the show: that it's okay to be 30-something and single (thanks, Carrie), and that, similarly, there is only so much control we can have over our own fate.  Who knows, maybe I won't be walking down an aisle until I'm 35, but maybe I will be marching to the beat of a completely different drummer in two years?

As this is my first real adult relationship, I feel like I am constantly learning things about myself (and my partner) everyday.  Who knew I was so controlling (only because I'm trying to help, I SWEAR!) and that I, a former bed-sprawler, could get so lonely sleeping alone?  I understand it's a mixture of things — my perspective at 24, my new-ish financial independence, actually living in New York City for a long consecutive period of time, and life changing, friends moving, and so on, but I find it fascinating how much I've learned about myself by being part of a pair.  What have you guys learned about yourself from being in a relationship?  Are you surprised at what you've learned?

A lot of life is rolling with the punches, and the same applies to the future of your love life.  We are always learning, always changing.  I know for certain that I cannot wait to feel (happily) jittery and in-love all over again when I'm standing opposite my partner in front of a crowd of the people I/we love the most, and I know exactly what song I want to play as I walk down the aisle with my mom on one arm and my dad on the other.  All of this makes me so excited (and has since I was a tiny little person)! But before I can do all of this, I need a little more life "to happen" so I can continue to fill in the blanks of the other things I know I'll want to make of my life, and I want to get a little further along the way with knowing myself.  I know some people are already there, to which I can only say bravo and that I wish you lots of love always, but in a much more progressive world than 50 years ago and with all of the options of this world at our fingertips, I am shamelessly just not ready yet.  But man, I can't want to feel that I am, at 28 or 40, because one day I want to be an old lady with my husband cuddled up close to me, too.

p.s. The thing I love most about "old couples" is how at that point in their lives, you can always see that protection for one another in their eyes.  Of course there is still passion and fun and playfulness, but it also becomes more about tenderness and sacredly protecting each other as they grow old together. Less muss and fuss, just plain ol' love.

{images 1/2/3}



Hi guys, happy Friday !
So I've got a question for you — does your jewelry regime change in the summer?  I always find myself drawn to big Trina Turk meets vintage meets most-likely-from-my-grandmother's-jewelry-box pieces (at least that's what composes my collection).  But come summer, less equals less (weight) and more freedom.  Anything too heavy, thick or clingy (see: all of my fave statement necklaces) makes me cringe, and instead I am usually running out of the house with only my gold watch and a tiny, delicate silver chain necklace with a lotus flower coin, similar to the weightlessness of the pieces above.  Simplicity here, goes a long way in triple digit temps.  How do you guys like to mix it up?
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