
coming back.

Hello, hello friends!  I've just returned from a wonderful whirlwind of vacation, which I can't wait to share more of once my mind catches up with me (which I wish it was doing while napping&relaxing in the photo above).  But basically, it went something like this….

NYC ---> lots of pit stops ---> Brantingham, NY ---> a rare and amazing weekend away with most of my closest loves ---> driving…. ---> ….still driving ---> Home Sweet Home (family, friends, and everything nice) ---> Back on the road with my sister ---> Provincetown ---> fell in love with Provincetown and the market my uncles recently opened ---> return to Connecticut ---> bittersweet hugs ---> planes, trains and automobiles ---> arrive at front door of my apartment

See! I told you it was a whirlwind.  But I wouldn't have changed a thing. Especially because my sister and I came home to this....

Be back soon! Hope you're all happy and healthy and are survivin' this Monday morning!

{photo one via, photo of my mom and dad via me}

1 comment:

  1. Kate, So glad you had such a wonderful, long awaited and well earned vacation! Love the pic, love your blog!!!!! Welcome back!!


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