
part of the universe

Yah, it’s ok, I’m prepared for a little judgment here. But man, this song, these images, the way it makes you feel…..

{to name a few possible emotional responses: peaceful, centered, awake, alive, jealous, happy, moved, surreal, inspired, breathless. Others?} 

what can I say, I just love having my breath taken away.....

"I feel part of the universe open up to meet me
My emotion so submerged, broken down to kneel in"
-eddie vedder

have a wonderful weekend 

1 comment:

  1. Solo Eddie Vedder has just been inspiring and thought provoking. As you might assume from knowing me the way you do, Into the Wild (the book, film and soundtrack) moved me in ways I still can hardly write about. The three below songs never cease to jerk the most wild and happy and brave thoughts out of my head and heart;





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