
keep on inspiring me

I've been fiending for some inspiration lately.  Some hard, true, kick-you-in-the-ass inspiration!!  I truly do believe inspiration is everyone, I really do.  But I also believe in emotional ruts and foggy vision and believe that often these two go hand in hand.  So therefore I MUST believe in the power of positive thinking, even when your neurons seem to be reluctant to such change, the power of influence, and the influence of strong women. And in no particular order, )although I'd move my Mom up to the top if I had finally gotten this blogger thing nailed), here are some of the ladies who keep me goin'.........

She is the music to my ears, literally.  Joni, Joni, Joni, don’t you know, you are my music soulmate.  With every strum of her guitar, even in her most confused thoughts, saddest moments, most profound thoughts of love, I experience clarity.  And clarity is optimal for me, and my ways. Isn’t it for most of us?  Either way, my whole world is perfectly aligned when I listen to her sing. She’s on a whole different level, and I consider her music to be one of my greatest earthly gifts.  Can I even go as far that her “music saved my soul?”  Yes, it did.

My beautiful Mom, Ashley. My world. The realest person I know. She has written me countless inspiring cards and literally spews wisdom (even if she doesn’t believe it) and she has made my life so special with her key ingredient: kindness.  That’s really all that matters.  Kindness.  Mom, you are perfectly imperfect. 

Since an oddly early age, Diane Keaton has always been my “favorite actress.”  I believe the politically correct term is actually “actor,” but ya know come to think of it, there’s always been something more than her screen presence that’s stolen and kept my heart.  Maybe it’s her brilliant vulnerability, her unparallelled quirkness and that relentlessly funky style.  She is the definition of style, because her style is merely a visual ensemble of her (or so it seems. When can I meet her????), and her is so likable.  I will be careful here with trying to not put myself on a Diane Keaton level, but there is something about her……fragility, I suppose, her charming “scatterdness” that I too see in myself.  I’ve always thought that those kinds of women actually hold the key to a lot of the secrets in life.  Diane, ya feel like sharing? 

Also, my super special Grandmother’s name was Diane (we called her “Diney”), and like Ms. Keaton, Diney always had that shining confidence and unusual complexity that made her so alluring and attractive.  And so you have it, my two favorite Diane’s.  And oh, they both have that stellar, radiant smile. 

My girl, Rachel Zoe.  I’d love to sit down to have a chat with her. Ok, I’d also love to be her best friend, too! But really though, giganto pumps and boho caftans aside, I would love to be able to navigate a career like the one she’s made for herself (maybe less bravo cameras in my face and a little less “I die,” although who am I kidding….I do!).  She’s one groovy chick who is doing what she loves.  And that’s all I want to do.  What I love.  So, my Feb. 1st “to do list”: pay my dues (in progress) and then make my own kind of magic.  Thanks for that, RZ.  And I’m totally serious about that friend thing, I will be in L.A. later this month…..

Just like inspiration, there is more to come....xo

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you Kate! Love the article. xoxo AGB


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